JAY-Z Releases Statement On Police Brutality After Contacting Minnesota Governor

JAY-Z has given a public statement on police brutality and the protests around the world, following making contact with Minnesota Governor Tim Walz in an effort to give justice to George Floyd.

“After our earnest conversation, thank you to Governor Walz for doing what’s right and calling in Attorney General Keith Ellison to take over the George Floyd case,” JAY-Z said via REFORM Alliance’s Twitter account.

“Earlier today, Governor Walz mentioned having a human conversation with me. A dad and a black man in pain. Yes, I am human, a father and a black man in pain and I am not the only one.

“Now I, along with an entire country in pain, call upon AG Ellison to do the right thing and prosecute all those responsible for the murder of George Floyd to the fullest extent of the law.”

At the time of writing, only one, Derek Chauvin, of the four police officers complicit in, and responsible for, George Floyd’s death have been charged.

“This is just a first step. I am more determined to fight for justice than any fight my would-be oppressors may have. I prevail on every politician, prosecutor and office in the country to have the courage to do what is right.

“Have the courage to look at us as humans, dads, brothers, sisters and mothers in pain and look at yourselves.”

Walz had previously said of the conversation that “[I]t wasn’t Jay-Z international celebrity, it was a dad and, quite honestly, a black man with visceral pain that he knew.”

Read JAY-Z’s full statement below.

Music Feeds stands in solidarity with those working tirelessly to demand change, justice and an end to systematic racism and police brutality. Both overseas and here at home. #BlackLivesMatter

Below is a list of places advocating for said change that we hope you can learn more about, and to donate to if you’re able. 

Donate to the Aboriginal Legal Service NSW/ACT

Donate to the Justice fund for David Dungay Junior, an Indigenous man who died in police custody

Donate to Free Her, a campaign to raise funds for incarcerated Indigenous women jailed for unpaid fines

Sign the Justice For George Floyd petition

Donate to the Minnesota Freedom Fund and help post bail for protestors in the US

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