Melbourne Arts Centre & Monuments Around The World Turn Purple For Prince

When Prince visited Australia earlier this year for his run of sold out shows, both the Opera House and the Melbourne Arts Centre were lit up in purple lights.

  SOH prince sails 2

Following the tragic news of the death of such a creative music legend, monuments all over the world are blazing purple in the night to honour his remarkable life.

The I-35W Bridge in Minnesota, the Orlando Eye, First Direct Arena in the UK, and even the Melbourne Arts Centre are all taking part in the grandest of gestures and transforming their colour to purple to honour Prince. Even The New Yorker will be released next week with a special edition ‘Purple Rain’ cover.

The grandest of gestures have also been offered by mother nature herself, in the form of a purple nebular tweeted by NASA as being “in honor of Prince”, and, while coincidental, bright purple lights have flooded over Niagara falls.

All eyes now turn to The Sydney Opera House, to see wether they too will be paying their respects in this symbolic way.

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