Parkway Drive Melt Faces With New Single ‘Devil’s Calling’

Parkway Drive will be re-releasing their critically-acclaimed album Ire, it’s been revealed, and have juiced the release up with a number of new singles in the process. Today, we get to hear Devil’s Calling, a blistering, break-neck speed hark to the glam metal of yesteryear.

The track only contains trace elements of the group’s metalcore sensibilities and could probably be one of the “least-Parkway-Drivey” Parkway Drive songs of all time. The song is big and boastful with plenty of huge riffs.

Almost too huge, as it’s not hard to get a visual of the band performing Devil’s Calling whilst standing atop a majestic albino Luck Dragon as it soars through the twilight sky towards the bands’ new residence, which one can only assume is some sort of cloud castle. THAT big.

The band are really mixing things up for the new tracks on the re-release. Including a ‘remix’ of album closer A Deathless Song featuring Tonight Alive’s Jenna McDougall for what is sure to be the pinnacle of Australian alternative music.

Speaking to Metal Hammer, vocalist Winstin McCall explained that Devil’s Calling continues in a similar motif to Ire which had the band actively trying to detach themselves from their usual tricks:

“We had a band meeting, and it turned out all of us were thinking the same thing: none of us would get creative fulfilment out of writing another Parkway metalcore album. It was a really odd point to be at. We didn’t want to stop what Parkway was about, but at the same time there had to be a different way of doing it.”

The re-release of Ire drops this Friday, 15th July.

LISTEN: Parkway Drive – Devil’s Calling

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