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Peking Duk Join The Call For Drug-Testing At Music Festivals Following Stereosonic Deaths

Stereosonic main-stagers Peking Duk have spoken out in favour of drug-checking at Australian music festivals, following two deaths at Stereo this year.

A 25-year-old woman died during the Sydney leg last weekend and a 19-year-old man passed away this weekend at the Adelaide leg – both of suspected overdoses.

“Fuck this,” the Duk posted on Facebook in response to the news. “Heavier policing will not prevent deaths. Australia, it’s time to start testing.”

Their calls echo those of rapper Illy, who spoke out in favour of drug testing following last weekend’s tragedy in Sydney.

Other commentators have also been calling for a complete overhaul of the way our government approaches the war on drugs, and the strategies implemented to combat drug use.

The Australian Drug Law Reform Foundation’s Dr Alex Wodak told Adelaide newspaper The Advertiser that drug-checking would go a long way.

“So many drug experts have been asking why, given the spate of these recent deaths attributed to ecstasy, we don’t at least trial drug checking…” he said. “It seems to work well in half a dozen European countries — and seems to shift the market away from very dangerous drugs.”

But Federal Justice Minister Michael Keenan and South Australia’s Minister for Police Tony Piccolo said that drug-checking services would not be considered by the government.

“On the spot advice isn’t a safeguard and you can actually lead a person into a false sense of safety…They are not necessarily reliable,” Piccolo told The Advertiser. “The only 100 percent sure and safe system is not to take drugs.”

So, what do you think? Should Australian music festivals implement drug testing? Have your say via our poll.

Fuck this. Heavier policing will not prevent deaths. Australia, it's time to start testing Posted by Peking Duk on Saturday, December 5, 2015
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