Pete Doherty Asked To Leave Thai Rehab Clinic

Last month former Libertines’ frontman Pete Doherty cancelled his appearance at T in the Park to seek treatment for drug addiction at The Cabin in Chiand Mai, a rehab clinic in Thailand. Now reports have surfaced that in less then a month Doherty has been removed from the clinic for being disruptive and counter productive to other patient’s recovery.

At the time of entering the clinic, Doherty posted an official statement about his decision to once again enter rehab, which read:

“Peter has left the building, well not quite, more the country, on his way to rehab in Thailand. He left Heathrow last night and will have arrived in Thailand this morning. We wish him well. He has plans to continue working on his new songs for the album, which is eagerly awaited.”

Currently, Doherty’s official website still displays a statement in which Cabin Programme Director Alastair Mordey is quoted as saying:

“I think Pete’s decision to come to The Cabin indicates his desire to enter a truly effect treatment programme far away from the distractions and chaos of life in the UK. Also, I think he’s probably seen enough of the clinical environment of most western centres and wants to experience life in full colour again.”

But now all that has come to an end. The Daily Mail has reported that although Doherty was at first responding well to treatment, his behaviour grew increasingly difficult and intolerable.

Mordey issued the following press release about Doherty’s departure from the clinic, stating he was discharged on July 17, 2012 for ‘therapeutic reasons’:

It is important to maintain the integrity of the treatment programme for the other clients to have a good chance of recovery.

Pete understands this and therefore the reasons behind why we have asked him to leave.

Although our parting with Pete is amicable, we are of course disappointed to see him leave. We hope some of the things he has learnt here will help him in the future and look forward to the day when Pete decides to consider recovery again.

The Cabin reportedly has a 96% success rate and costs £7,200 a month, utilising therapeutic leisures such as hiking and yoga.

As noted by NME, Doherty has previously sought treatment for drug addiction in Thailand back in 2003 but left after 3 days.

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