Pond Members To Each Release Solo Albums On The Same Day

In a recent interview with Tone Deaf, Jay Watson, guitarist from prominent psychadelic outfit Pond, detailed the band’s next plan, whereby all members will release a solo side project album on the exact same day.

Waton explained: “We’ve got so many records in our bands… Joe (Ryan), the dude with the afro in Pond, me and him have decided we’re going to drop our albums at the same time, same day, which should be fun. And Allbrook/Avery – Nick and Cam’s band – are doing it as well.”

He later joked about the possibilities their plan unlocks, adding, “We’re going to have an online poll. Me and Joe, ‘whose album’s better and whose’s more handsome’?”

Clearly eager to channel their rapidly flowing creative waters, the band are also working towards a follow-up to their fourth album Beard, Wives, Denim. Two follow ups to be exact, one of which Watson described as being a “full on crazy fiend rock and roll album”.

He elaborated on the topic, explaining, “We’re all just recording stuff, Pond records, we’ve done one and we’re doing another one, and solo records and stuff,” he said. “We were going to do a really nice, beautiful orchestrated album, but we figured we might as well capture the live band as we’ve been touring… So that’s what ‘Hobo Rocket’ is, the full on, manic acid rock (album).”

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