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Queensland Has Become The First State To Ban Wicked Camper Vans

Queensland drivers have been blessed with the news that they won’t have to pull up behind a Wicked Camper ever again.

Yesterday, Queensland State Parliament passed a bill which granted the Department of Transport permission to cancel the registration of any vehicle displaying offensive advertisement which means just about every Wicked Camper.

The Government has specified exactly what offensive advertisement means too just in case you were confused.

“Offensive advertising includes advertising that uses obscene language, that is degrading, that deals inappropriately with sex or violence or very importantly that discriminates against or vilifies any section of the community,” they wrote in the bill.

Wicked Campers somehow became camping festival staples but in recent years there have been a backlash against them by organisers because of their sexist slogans like, “fat chicks are harder to kidnap.”

Just last year Splendour In The Grass organisers said, “If you’re booking a campervan, please steer clear of sexist slogans! You know who you are. It’s 2016. Get with the program.”

Technically, Wicked Campers will still be legal at Splendour In The Grass as it is in NSW but if you’re driving from Queensland you can forget about it. In fact, if you have any sort of moral backbone you should probably just forget about it.

Wicked Campers is a Brisbane-based company which will make it mighty hard to keep operating but nothing is stopping them from jumping States as these laws don’t exist anywhere else. That, or they could just wipe the sexist BS off their vans.

Image Via Twitter

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