Sleigh Bells Announce New Album For 2013

After having only released their second album in February this year, Sleigh Bells have been quick to get back into the studio, gearing up to support Reign of Terror with a third release next year. In an expansive interview with The Huffington Post, the two-piece revealed details about their ambitious future plans.

In the interview, axe-man of the electro punk group revealed that “We’ll have three full-length albums in three years”. It remains to be seen, but have faith children. The interview continued to show the band’s continuous, developing nature and how they difference themselves from other groups. “Bands are complex units with four or five guys or girls, and everyone needs to agree. Alexis and I get along and we’re electric, so we don’t need a practice space…we can just work on this or that.”

However, with this smaller size comes some issues. Frontwoman, Alexis confessed that their live shows are somewhat restricted. The lack of a drummer means that they are restricted creatively when playing live, confessing that “We have to have that final, polished package before taking to the road,”

Although no specific date was given for the release, it is clear that three songs have been completed. Sleigh Bells will embark on the national Big Day Out tour come January – get ready Boiler Room.

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