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The Smith Street Band Got Stuck In A Lift And Live Tweeted It

The Smith Street Band have had a pretty eventful night by the sounds of it, getting stuck in a lift in Perth.

The band are currently in Perth on tour but while they were going up to their Best Western hotel they all got stuck in the lift and live tweeted it because no one was coming to rescue them.

They accused the hotel staff of being “RUDE AND DISMISSIVE” and then started a hashtag #SAVETHESMITHIES.

The whole ordeal was over in less than an hour but it gave us plenty of funny Twitter fodder so in a way they suffered for our entertainment.

Once they were finally rescued frontman Wil Wagner treated himself to a joint and a beer.

It’s been a pretty huge tour for the band so far. In Brisbane, Wagner gave a mega fan his guitar in an emotional exchange that warmed everyone’s hearts.

Next they head off to Germany.

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