Splendour Mystery Band Finally Revealed

Oh, all that anticipation, all that drama, all those random guesses at bands that never had any real chance of coming through, it’s all come down to this. triple j have spilled the details on the news we’re guessing they’ve been holding onto since day 1, finally revealing the Splendour In The Grass Mystery Band once and for all. Aaaaaaaaand….

..it’s Alt-J.

“We knooooow!” thousands of haughty voices cry! “Noooooo!” thousands more disappointed hopefuls cry!

It has to be said, there was never much mystery in the “Mystery B∆nd” after that first delta was dropped on the initial lineup day, with plenty clueing in almost immediately. Splendour organisers then threw enough red herrings into the mix to keep us chasing our tails.

But we knew. We knew. At least, after yesterday…we knew.

triple j have also revealed that Alt-J’s set from Splendour will be broadcast on the station from 6:30pm this Sunday.

So there you have it. A little mystery goes a long way.

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