Transplants Say New Album Almost Done, “Our Best Work Yet”

Back in July, Music Feeds had the privilege, nay, the honour of reporting that the Blink-182/Rancid hybrid that is Transplants had entered the studio for the first time since 2005. Now we know that the album is in the final stages before hitting the shelves.

Skinhead Rob took to his Twitter to spread the good word, confirming that the album is now being mixed. Rob also chucked into the mix that this could be the best album they’ve done. I’m not sure whether that means the best thing they’ve done in their careers, or as a band, but either way, it’s a big, big call and a good reason to get excited.

Rob finished off the tweet with: ‘But what do I know…” Well, I’d say if anyone can arbitrarily label something their best work yet, it would have to be him. Rancid have been ruled out of the Soundwave mix, which tacitly rules out Transplants, but with Travis recently entered in the top 100 drum heroes (click here for proof) conquering his fear of flying, who knows what the future holds.

Travis sure has been a busy little bee of late, releasing a collab with famed red neck rapper Yelawolf, training in MMA to improve his drumming technique, recording the new Blink album, and now this. Hats off to Travis, who will be here with Tom and Mark for Soundwave. Just can’t get over saying that.

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