US Band Sleep Cancel Australian Tour After Promoter Is Accused Of Sexual Misconduct

American metal crew Sleep have cancelled their 2018 Australian tour after tour promoter David Cutbush of Life Is Noise was accused of sexual misconduct and subsequently fired from the company he co-owned.

In a statement, Sleep say:

“We have learned today of allegations of sexual harassment and verbal and physical abuse by Dave Cutbush of Life is Noise. We cannot and will not tolerate this behavior with anyone. We cannot tolerate or work with those who are complicit in this behavior either.

“In light of this, and with utmost respect to those affected, it is with great regret that we must cancel our planned tour of New Zealand and Australia this coming January. We hope to arrange another tour with a new promoter or touring company, to be determined at a future date.

“Stay safe and make your voices heard.”

Sleep were due to perform in Australia in January, and had scheduled shows through Life Is Noise in Brisbane, Sydney and Melbourne.

Life Is Noise is yet to comment on the tour’s cancellation. The company also has upcoming tours scheduled with the likes of Chelsea Wolfe and Wolves In The Throne Room.

UPDATE: Concert Promoter David Cutbush Responds To Allegations Of Sexual Misconduct

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