Volumes Reclaim Rights For First Two Albums After Years Of Lost Royalties

US metalcore outfit Volumes have taken to Facebook, exclaiming that they have once and for all reclaimed rights for their first two records. Fans can now purchase the formative records knowing full well that their cash is going to the right place.

The band decided to keep it classy and didn’t name names but explained that since 2011’s Via and 2014’s No Sleep, they’ve not received any of their entitled royalties. As per the post, the records shifted a combined 40,000 units, which while not Adele numbers, would have meant a tidy sum for the indie band, had they owned the rights to their own music.

As a result, the band has accred debt which they explained they will now tackle with album sales rather than going down the crowdsourcing path. Both albums are now available via the band’s home of Fearless Records.

Hopefully it’s clear sailing for Volumes from here on in. Last year wasn’t particarly smooth for the outfit given they announced they’d be auditioning for a new vocalist. That and their ‘beef‘ with Northlane.

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