Image Via TMZ

Watch Glenn Danzig Put “Asshole” Paparazzo In A Headlock

Mothers, tell your children not to walk Glenn Danzig’s way. At least not when they’re holding a smart phone camera and trying to take photos of him backstage.

The 60-year-old singer has put a snap-happy fan in a chokehold during a heated post-concert exchange that seems to have been conveniently filmed by TMZ.

According to the gossip rag, concertgoer/notorious prankster Navid Farsi, whose greatest hits include sugar-bombing Maroon 5’s Adam Levine, had repeatedly defied Danzig’s strict no-photo policy during one of their shows in California.

The serial douchebag’s first attempt was quickly quashed by Mr. Danzig himself, with TMZ footage showing him snatching Farsi’s phone right out of his hands mid-concert, and hurling it off the stage.

But the second time around, the former Misfit wasn’t so forgiving.

Footage of the takedown shows a presumably mega-pissed Danzig confronting Farsi out by his tour bus, and tackling the problem head-on by administering a decisive sleeper hold.

“He’s being an asshole! Take his camera!” Danzig can be heard yelling in the video. Farsi, however, doesn’t seem phased, and appears to be sporting a big grin as the metal Elvis’s arm wraps firmly around his throat.

Perhaps he’s daydreaming of the lucrative court settlement that the incident might yield (or maybe the whole thing was staged?).

Either way, he’s lucky Glenn didn’t sick the entire crowd on him.

Watch it all go down in the video, below.

Watch: Danzig Puts Fan In Headlock

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