Watch: ‘Niggas in Paris’ Used In French Presidential Campaign Ad

Digg has reported that French socialist candidate François Hollande has chosen the Jay-Z and Kanye West song Niggas in Paris from the album Watch The Throne as the backing for his latest presidential campaign commercial.

If this clip is authentic, the move is even more surprising considering the song is played in an uncensored format, with curse words unaltered in any manner.

Apparently, Hollande has been running his campaign based on lessons learnt from the successful 2008 Obama campaign.

It is unclear at this stage whether Jay-Z and Kanye West are aware of the songs use. Earlier this month Music Feeds reported on Anthony Gonzalez’s (from M83) outrage at the band’s song Midnight City being used without permission by the extremely right-wing French political party Le Front National in one of their campaign ads.

Watch: François Hollande Presidential Campaign Ad

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