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Watch Placebo Lead Melbourne Fans In “Fork You Margaret Court” Chant

Placebo have continued their crusade against Aussie tennis great Margaret Court and her homophobic views on marriage equality.

The band are in the middle of their 20th Anniversary tour of Australia, and last night Stefan Olsdal took a moment out from their show at Margaret Court Arena in Melbourne to lead a chant of “fork you Margaret Court” last night

“I need your participation for this, I need something from you guys,” says Olsdal, as he holds his rainbow famous bass above his head. “I’m gonna say a name, and I want you guys to say ‘fork you.’ Can you guys do that for me?”

He then proceeds to chant “Margaret Court” with the crowd responding “fork you!” with vigor.

Speaking with Music Feeds in August, Olsdal called Court out for homophobic comments she made earlier this year. “To come out and basically demonise children because of the way they’re born — which is essentially what this woman has done — it’s pretty outrageous, and I think it’s offensive. I can’t really tolerate it, to be honest,” Olsdal said.

“I know perfectly well that we’re playing a venue with her name to it — and she was an amazing tennis player, there’s no taking away from that — but I’m still thinking about exactly what we’re going to do about it.”

He also said the band are “still working on the best way to send our response to playing at that venue in Melbourne.”

So now we finally know what that response is.

Check out some crowd shot clips of the chant, as well as their setlist below.

#setlist #placebo #melbourne #roadies #guitarpicks

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