Watch: Yeasayer Perform New Song

As reported previously, Brooklyn’s Yeasayer are turning their thoughts to their third album after a year or so of pretty much constant touring in support of last year’s Odd Blood. Now, a hint of what that record might entail can be gleaned from the band performing a new song on Late Night With Jimmy Fallon in the US.

The song is called The Devil And the Deed, a track that sees Anand Wilder and Ira Keating swap positions on stage as Anand performs vocal duties. The song seems less caffeinated and exuberant than Odd Blood material, on first listen.

The three-piece has said they will start recording their next album when their current tour of North America comes to an end in July. The Devil and the Deed is one of several new songs they apparently have ready to go.

In an email to fans, the band wrote, “We are playing three or four new songs on this tour to fine tune and fix before we head into the studio this summer…Yes, record Number Three is in the works! Keeping it brief because it should be.”

Yeasayer were in Australia in February of this year for festival appearances and side shows.

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