In today’s installment of Why The Internet Is A Wonderful Thing, Kanye West‘s self-appointed title of World’s Biggest Genius is being tested by a relatively unknown Soundcloud producer, pomDeterrific, who’s expertly mashed-up a Kanye track with a Beck track to form the appropriately titled Loser Kanye.
As the title suggests the mashup sees Beck’s Loser melded with Kanye’s raps and spoken words including his now infamous quote that, “Beck needs to respect artistry and he should’ve given his [Grammy] award to Beyonce”.
Repeating his antics from the 2009 MTV Video Music Awards where he interrupted Taylor Swift, Kanye stormed the stage earlier in the week after Beck won the Grammy for Album of the Year, protesting that Beyoncé should’ve won it. Of course, Loser Kanye samples both his now trademark “imma let you finish” rant and his seemingly never-ending comments on Beck.
Maybe Kanye and Beck could both be holding the Album of the Year Grammy in 2016 if they enlist pomDeterrific as the executive producer of a collaborative Kanye & Beck album. Stranger things have happened.
Listen: pomDeterrific – Loser Kanye