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PREMIERE: BoysnLove Compel and Confront with ‘Honeymoon Diver’

BoysnLove’s Annie-Rose Collis writes songs to get her feelings out. But for the band’s latest single, ‘Honeymoon Diver’, Collis’ point of departure was the tragic death of Tina Watson, a newlywed American woman who died while scuba diving in the Great Barrier Reef in 2003. Her husband, Gabe Watson, was accused of her murder.

It’s confronting subject matter, but Collis and her band mates Edward Boyd, Georgia Mulligan and Holly Conner render it compelling with a mid-tempo Americana arrangement that will appeal to fans of Julia Jacklin and Sharon Van Etten. Music Feeds is premiering ‘Honeymoon Diver’ and its music video.

BoysnLove – ‘Honeymoon Diver’

For Collis, the most “harrowing” part of Watson’s story is imagining her underwater and realising that not only is she drowning, “but that her husband didn’t love her.”

“It made me think about all those times when I’ve trusted someone and then they reveal who they really are, and how it’s hard not to blame yourself for not seeing them clearly,” said Collis. Indeed, while ‘Honeymoon Diver’ was inspired by a true story, Collis pieced the song together by reflecting on her own experiences of betrayal.

Molly Haddon directed the song’s music video, which sees Collis acting out a murder mystery of her own. “Molly came up with the idea of flipping the script,” said the band. “It isn’t entirely clear what happens in the video and you can choose your own adventure/ending.”

‘Honeymoon Diver’ will be officially released on Thursday, 18th August.

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