The New Pollution: # 025 – Lescop

A friend of mine used to promote a British themed club night at the newly refurbished Abercrombie Hotel (Abercrombie St and Broadway). Occasionally there were themes i.e. Beatles night, Madchester night etc. Anyway, I offhandedly suggested one night we do a French invasion to which he promptly replied, “What, 2 hours of Daft Punk and then an hour of Phoenix?!”… I scoffed and then began to mentally compile the 10 or 15 French songs (that weren’t by Daft Punk/Phoenix) I would rattle off, that would be surefire dance floor destroyers.  30 awkwardly silent seconds later, I suggested we do an Art Brut special instead.

I’m not sure if it’s a lack of research, promotion or talent, but France just don’t seem to have many good rock bands. It was with great pleasure I came across Savages (featured in post # 023 of this blog) and after checking out their record label (Pop Noire Records) I’m pleased to showcase another quality French act…

Lescop don’t have a big online presence, but their dancey little rock songs will sink their hooks in on the first listen. La Foret (French for “the forest”) is the perfect song for a trendy DJ to play before the dance floor has exploded. It sounds a bit like New Order being fronted by Serge Gainsbourg. Listen to it if you feel like having  a tiny little dance.


Lescop – La Foret


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