Expensive Music Band
Expensive Music Band | Credit: Lachlan Starling

PREMIERE: Expensive Music Band Make Lo-fi Pop Protest on ‘RNR Cliché’

Troon Lienad, the brains behind Illawarra indie-pop project Expensive Music Band, has been releasing oddball pop music under various guises for more than a decade. As the leader of Expensive Music Band, Lienad is melding his bizarro impulses with a refined sense of melody, and inviting some friends along to help with the execution.

The project’s latest single, ‘RNR Cliché’, is out on Wednesday, 1st March via Exclusive Culture in Australia and Permanent Slump in the UK. Music Feeds is premiering the track’s official music video, directed by Lachlan Starling.

Expensive Music Band – ‘RNR Cliché’

For Lienad, ‘RNR Cliché’ marked the beginning of Expensive Music Band’s transition from a solo bedroom recording project to a collaborative band format. It was recorded at The Pinhead Shed by Jez Player and features contributions from Annabel Blackman (Body Type, Solo Career), Chet Tucker (Uplifting Bell Ends), Luke Player (The Pinheads, Tropical Strength) and Bowen Shakallis (Big White).

“The song was written, improvised and recorded in the space of three hours on Dharawal land with every contributing member informing the lyrics with their own rock’n’roll touring experiences,” Lienad told Music Feeds. “It is the only time I have ever recorded a song where the music seemed to be guided by some type of indestructible force.”

The “RNR” of the title refers not to rest and relaxation but to rock’n’roll. Lyrically, the track snickers at the supposed glamour that comes with playing music. “Would you like to be in my rock’n’roll band?” Lienad asks in the song’s first verse. “Stay up all night and kick it to the man.”

In the second verse, Lienad takes a snipe at “derivative critiques from clickbait whores” and the friends who “only want to see you when you put them on the door.” Meanwhile, the song’s central hook revolves around the catchcry, “Kill it off,” a nod towards the accelerated market forces that have severely diminished music’s DIY communities.

Expensive Music Band’s ‘RNR Cliché’ is out on Wednesday, 1st March.

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