360 To Undergo Eye Surgery

Melbourne hip hop star 360 has announced today via Twitter that he will be undergoing eye surgery in his ‘good eye’ to prevent him from losing his sight altogether.

Sixty stated that he suffers from Keratoconus, a degenerative disorder of the eye in which structural changes within the cornea cause it to thin out – basically just an all round bad time for the sufferer. The current poster boy for the new-wave of Aussie hip hop has suffered from the condition for a while now, and in previous years had to have work done on his right eye to maintain sight in that. Fans will be familiar with this as he references the situation in several of his tracks. Often attributing the ailment as the genius of his hip hop career.

We wish 60 a speedy recovery. We are sure to hear about it in his yet-to-be released material, which has had him tweeting and Facebooking like a madman in excitement. Apart from the this minor setback, everything just keeps coming up 60, as just days ago it was announced that he would be appearing on The Big Day Out 2013 roster, something the rapper has aspired to for many, years now.


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