Earl Sweatshirt Won’t Be Home In February

It seems Odd Future’s Earl Sweatshirt won’t be back home any time soon. It has been rumoured that Earl would return in February, however Tyler dismissed the rumours earlier today, tweeting:

@fucktyler: I Miss Thebe Son. Its Not Fair Yo, Its Just Not. Niggas Bout To Hit Another Tour With Out Him…And He’s Not Home In Feb. Stop Believing Everything.

Update: 09/02/2012: Is Earl Home? A Twitter Account Has Been Set Up Featuring Earl

Update 31/01/2012: Watch Syd The Kid Speaks About Earl

In November, Tyler fooled fans and sent the internet into a frenzy when when he tweeted that Earl was back in L.A recording his new album with Tyler; turned out it was just a prank.

The Earl Sweatshirt saga has been going for almost a year now. In April, Complex Magazine claimed to have tracked him down at the Coral Reef Academy in Samoa. They used clues in the lyrics, Facebook musings and a tip off from a student who also attended the school. Reports suggested that the 17 year old was sent against his will by his mother who didn’t want him involved in the Odd Future circle.

Odd Future Will be touring Australia later in January for the Big Day Out Festival as well as playing sideshows.

Watch: Syd The Kid Speaks About Earl Sweatshirt


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