Image: Justin Bieber / Entertainment Tonight & Tom Cruise / The Cheat Sheet

Justin Bieber Challenges Tom Cruise To A Fight And Basically, Where Can We Get Tickets?

File this one under ‘previously unsaid sentences in human history’: Justin Bieber has challenged Tom Cruise to a UFC fight. The BBC are calling it “the contest Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) fans never knew they wanted,” and now that it’s out into the universe, where will this one go?

The challenge came without context last night via Bieber’s Twitter account. “I wanna challenge Tom Cruise to fight in the octagon. Tom, if you dont take this fight your scared and you will never live it down [sic],” tweeted the Biebs. He then asked “Who is willing to put on the fight?” tagging Dana White, the president of the Ultimate Fighting Championship.

There’s really not much more to it than that just yet, but as with anything like this goes, the internet has begun to speculate.

Bieber’s manager Scooter Braun added to the conversation yesterday, quote-tweeting an article from Billboard about the topic. He said it’s “Just a normal Sunday” for Bieber, something about “crushed glass knuckles” and that if it takes place, it should be a charity event.

Former UFC champ Conor McGregor jumped in, offering to host the clash and then went on to challenge Mark Walhberg on the same card.

Also, Jane Lynch simply replied, “You’re”.

Tom Cruise has yet to respond, but we’re hoping he does. More on this as it develops.

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