King-Hit Victim’s Father Says Barry O’Farrell Never Discussed Lockout Laws With Him

The father of king-hit victim Daniel Christie says he never had a chance to discuss the implementation of NSW lockout laws with the government before their implementation.

Michael Christie, the father of Daniel who died at 18 years of age after being hit in Kings Cross on New Year’s Eve 2013, will appear on SBS‘ Lockout Laws forum tonight and SBS has released a snippet of him talking about the laws and his support for their review.

Asked by Marc Fennell how feels about the laws being “enacted in Daniel’s name” Christie replied, “One, I have a lot of pride over it, but secondly I have a lot of disgust because I was told by the then Premier Barry O’Farrell that I would be able to discuss with him and the relevant Ministers these changes.”

“Well, I’m still waiting for Barry O’Farrell to ring back.”

Christie said he has had “very little input” yet he’s “the one that’s labeled with this thing about Daniel’s death,” noting that Daniel’s death has essentially been politicised.

Just last week current Premier Mike Baird told 2Day FM hosts Sam Frost and Rove McManus that he’s “met with the families who’ve lost kids in violence on the streets.” While Christie isn’t the only king-hit victim, his death is often tied to the lockout laws given they were implemented just months after.

In a further piece that Christie wrote for SBS‘ website he wrote, “I’m still waiting for a call, although I’ve read that I’ve been consulted.”

“Whatever happens to the lockout laws young men will continue to lose their lives,” he further wrote.

“It is not a youth problem, it is a drinking culture problem. Monkey see, monkey do. Our only hope is that young people will have strong consistent role models in their lives that reflect balance and tolerance. That they, in turn, find the strength to live simply by loving and respecting themselves and respecting others. That they find enjoyment in life without the need for excessive alcohol. And that they educate those that less well equipped to change.”

Christie argues that the lockout laws will do little to change the sort of people “whom the lockout laws are designed to protect us” against unless we also concentrate on education, reducing the availability of alcohol and focus on changing community standards.

SBS Lockout Laws Forum will air tonight at 7.30pm on SBS 2. Christie will be joined by panel guests Tyson Koh from Keep Sydney Open, State Senator David Leyonhjelm, St Vincent’s Hospital General and Vascular Surgeon Tony Grabs and more.

Feed Forum: Lockout Laws

Michael, father of one-punch fatality Dan Christie, on the laws enacted in his son's name. Feed Forum: Lockout Laws airs tonight at 7.30pm on SBS 2

Posted by The Feed SBS on Monday, 21 March 2016

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