Listen: SPOD Triumphantly Returns To Your Speakers With ‘Couple Of Drinks’

Unsung Aussie hero SPOD has marched back to the forefront of our attention with his tasty, bubbly, refreshing ode to a good brew, well, a couple of good brews that is. But not too many.

Such is the premise of the song Couple of Drinks. The track is kinda rocked-out, kinda rapped-out, but it all fits in there. It’s out of key with some pretty solid bogan twang, but dammit, never before has a better song been written discussing the concept of a few drinks with your mates – those nights where you just want to get pool drunk (the kind of drunk where you rule at pool) and not totally written off, which is the topic of most other songs.

Now that SPOD has addressed the rarely-spoken-of topic of a couple of beers, he has declared that the band will be hitting the road, on a mission to spread their good, humble word. Sydney, Brissy and Melbourne will be the fortunate cities chosen to bask in the occa’ sensibilities of SPOD.

Couple of Drinks is but a sip of the jug that is SPOD’s imagination. Currently hard at work on a full-length album set for a 2013 release, punters will have many more drinking songs, and songs about drinking, on the horizon. Bring it.

Head over to the Rice Is Nice Website to hear the track.

Saturday, November 10

The Brighton Bar, Sydney


Saturday, 17 November

Beetle Bar, Brisbane

w/ Undead Apes


Thursday, 6 December

The Gasometer (Gaso upstairs room), Melbourne

w/ High Tension (members of Young & Restless, The Nation Blue and LoveLikeElectrocution)


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