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Melbourne Muso Spike Fuck Responds After Resident Complains About Name On Gig Poster

Melbourne musician Spike Fuck has responded after a local resident complained about a gig poster on the side of a building in Brunswick which contains her uncensored name.

The poster, which allegedly appears near a bus stop on Blythe Street (near Lygon Street), caught the eye of a local resident called Rob, who has complained to radio station 3AW.

“It seemed to me fairly confronting, gratuitous, provocative, and maybe it was supposed to be provocative,” Rob told 3AW.

“But it’s possibly illegal and it’s certainly inappropriate at a bus stop where there’s lot of kids around and old ladies. I don’t mean to be a prude, but where’s the line being drawn about these sort of issues?

“I’m sure on his credit card or his concession car he’s not called [Spike Fuck],” Rob added, wrongly assuming that Spike Fuck is male.

The poster, which is advertising an upcoming show curated by Swampland Magazine, also features the City Of Melbourne logo, which Rob pointed out during his time on the air with 3AW.

In response to Rob’s complaint, Spike Fuck tells Music Feeds, “There’s almost always more to a name, even a somewhat offensive one. And also yes, my name in ‘real life’ is in fact Spike Fuck — that’s what people refer to me as.”

Spike Fuck also says she wants to send a message to Rob and Melbourne’s Lord Mayor.

“I really just wanna say to Rob from Brunswick and to ‘His Worship’ Lord Mayor of Melbourne Robert Doyle — If you’re out there and reading this, I would just like to take this opportunity to extend an olive branch and invite you to come to one of my shows, or even the Swamplands show.

“I’d be more than happy to have you and I’ll even chuck you on the door.”

Music Feeds has contacted City Of Melbourne for comment.

View the full Swamplands gig poster below, alongside Rob’s full radio interview.

Image: 3AW

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