Nooky | Photo by David Ignatius

Nooky Calls Referendum Result the “Most Overt Manifestation of Racism I’ve Ever Experienced”

Triple j Blak Out host and musician Nooky has reflected on the devastating result of Saturday’s referendum, calling it “the most overt, unconcealed manifestation of racism I have ever experienced in my whole life”. In a long statement read out on the show, Nooky admitted he felt “like I let down my elders… like I let down the future generations”.

“Yesterday they said our pain and our suffering continues,” Nooky said. “The disadvantage and the inequality continues. But so does our love, our happiness, our strength and our pride.”

Nooky Delivers Powerful Speech on triple j’s Blak Out

“Last night, amongst the torment, I found solace when I sat down with my eldest daughter Olivia,” he continued. “It’s our kids we need to be there for right now, but it’s them who hold the power. The power to heal. And the power to bring change. When I look at them, I see the hope that hasn’t died.”

The host went on to say he was broken, but not defeated, and “regardless of yesterday’s outcome, there was always work to do. It’s just now clear just how much work there is to do”.

“I’ve seen the word ‘defeat’ get thrown around a lot this morning,” Nooky said. “I rang my Nan Colleen back home in Nowra and I was ashamed. But Nan was still Nan. She was yarning away and laughing and she told me to keep on going. Hearing my Nan hold herself with such composure in this moment, I didn’t feel defeat.”

“We all knew what the outcome was going to be,” Nooky said. “We all know the reality that we live in. It’s just now more apparent. We ain’t licking our wounds today, we’re sharpening our spears. See the colour of our skin? That’s our pride and joy and they can never change the river of our souls.

“It’s that message of hope and survival that you’re going to hear for the next hour. And trust, it isn’t a mistake. We’re gonna repeat this message until it rings true. We will not sit in silence. They will hear us. We rejoice as a people and light our sacred fire in the face of their broken promises. Treaty Now.”

Nooky then played Yothu Yindi’s talismanic track ‘Treaty’ on a loop for the entire hour.

Polls were predicting a ‘No’ result in the campaign leading up to the vote, but there was still shock at the resounding rejection of the establishment of the Voice to Parliament. Nearly 61 percent of the country voted ‘No’, and the Yes vote failed to succeed in all states and territories bar the ACT.

Further Reading

Midnight Oil Launch Radio Ad Targeting Voice “Bullshit Scare Campaigns”

Paul Kelly Says He’s Not Being Paid By the Yes Campaign: “My Views Are My Own”

Listen to Nooky’s Searing New Song ‘We Are Warriors’

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