Teen Who Died At Adelaide Stereosonic Reportedly Called ‘Weak’ For Seeking First Aid

Nineteen-year-old Stefan Woodward, who tragically died yesterday allegedly due to taking illicit drugs at Stereosonic Adelaide, was reportedly called “weak” by his friends after he joined the line for the First Aid tent and encouraged to leave it.

The reports from supposed friends and acquaintances posting online, say that after Stefan joined the queue to receive attention from First Aid officers, he was accused of being weak by those he was attending the dance music festival with.

Stefan’s family have also spoken out today, with his mother pleading to other young people to look out for each other in order to avoid a repeat of the incident, which follows a similar drug-related death at Stereosonic Sydney last week. 

“I want friends to look after each other and make sure it’s never considered weak to ask for help… And I want young boys and girls like Stefan to never be too scared to ask for help,” she has said in a statement.

The family also want “organisers of events like these to make sure there is enough first aid on offer to make sure that no-one gets turned away, and no-one feels they need to wait.”

There were 23 people taken to hospital during the Adelaide festival for drug and alcohol related issues.

Stereosonic finishes its tour tonight in Brisbane.

A message from the organisers...To all patrons attending the Stereosonic event in Brisbane today, we ask you to please... Posted by stereosonic on Saturday, December 5, 2015
Source: Yahoo7
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