Peats Ridge Announce The Arts & Theatre Program

The arts and theatre program for Peats Ridge 2009 is filled to the brim with every type of visual and aesthetic ecstasy you can imagine.

The program will include the dedicated arts precinct Sideways Alley, a hotbed of creative talent stretched along the banks of the river. It will be packed with stage areas, art installations, a trapezearia and so much more.

Don’t miss Marty Jay’s Trash Temple, which in keeping with Peats Ridge ‘reuse and recycle’ philosophy, will be raised from discarded tents, tarps, lie lows, floaties and other such junk. All pre-loved items left behind at previous years festivals. It will be used as a stage featuring all sorts of twisted trashy characters, performers and musical oddities.

After disturbing us deeply with their German nudist show last year, Pork are back with something completely new for 2009. Riveting and always unique, their show features live art, circus, music and dance, in a bizarre homage to our addiction to oil.

Sydney Theatre Company will also be performing at Peats Ridge with Actor On A Box: Aesop Fables, taking the magic of storytelling to a whole new level in a delightful and interactive show, for people of all ages. Directed by Naomi Edwards and performed by Georgia Adamson the highly theatrical and playful exploration of Aesop’s Fables will introduce the young and the young at heart to the joy of these timeless stories.

The Bohemian Love Theatre will return again to Peats Ridge, and after their impression in 2006, I’m sure again we will see people queue to get in. This year Senior Piggy Wigg’s Bohemian Love Theatre will present, a barefoot velvet vaudeville club, boho glam rock ‘n roll circus, bohemian absinthe den and lost-in-time beat faerie tale speakeasy dream world. With over 200 performers, 300 costumes and a mountain of beautiful props and lush furnishings, including a 15 ft high Rocket Ship, a 10 ft giant beating heart and the world first 4 barrel air compression ‘Hotpants Cannon’.

The Festival will feature roving performers constantly. To trip you up, trip you out or simply to entertain…

So whether taking in comedians at Lolo’s Gypsy Caravan Stage is your thing, or if you prefer to watch contemporary dance, experimental theatre or contortionism, or maybe you prefer to sit back and ponder some photography and sculpture…. It is all at Peats Ridge 2009 and with plenty of hands on activities and shows for all ages it will be a sensory overload.

Top it all off with the annual New Years Eve Masquerade, this year with a full moon. You can make a mask at the Festivals mask making workshops, or bring one along, dress up if you like and together we will parade through the festival grounds. Led by a Chinese Water Dragon, artists, performers, a 12 ft flying unicorn, a royal giraffe and a whole host of freaks, it is sure to be a sight!

Full of surprises, the arts and theatre program will be colourful, musical, magical and damn fun. Day and night visual installations and performances will span across the whole Festival.


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