Aerosmith Australian Tour Announcement Pending…

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again – 2013 is going to be one of the biggest years ever for live rock music Down Under. We’ve got Soundwave, Big Day Out and Laneway to look forward to, as well as Kiss & Motley Crue, and potentially ACDC, and now it looks as though we’ve got Aerosmith on our hands also.

The rumours haven’t been confirmed yet, but when the rumours are coming from the band themselves, it’s hard to simply dismiss them. Once again, the knight in shining armour took the form of a tweet shot through from guitarist Joe Perry, who name checked Australia as well as other countries as part of the band’s ‘long term plans’ as well as dropping in the words we really wanted…world tour.

If that’s not enough for you to get excited, the man himself, Steven Tyler, responded favorably to an Aussie fan’s tweet. In his response, Tyler admitted that an Aussie tour is something he “likes the sound” of.

The band hasn’t been in Australia for some ridiculous amount of time. 1990 was the last we saw Aerosmith live, but now with a new album on the way Music From Another Dimension! (Out around November) it would only be fitting that they return.

So, as Perry aptly warned us all…keep fingers crossed on this one!

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