Beloved children’s entertainment group, The Wiggles were up for Like A Version this morning. They delivered a stirring cover of Tame Impala’s ‘Elephant’ and mashed it up with their own ‘Fruit Salad Yummy Yummy’.
The Wiggles packed us into their big red car, and transported us to a better place with the cover.
Now, Twitter has responded accordingly. Here are some of our favourite reactions.
Can I get a yummy yummy up in here
— Bridget Hustwaite (@BHustwaite) March 4, 2021
There’s plenty of discussion around where the LAV will place in this year’s Hottest 100. Even Andy Lee is getting amongst it.
And the Hottest 100 has been won in the opening few weeks of 2021!!!
The Wiggles cover Tame Impala’s ‘Elephant’ for Like A Version
— Andy Lee (@andytomlee) March 4, 2021
I swear to god if The Wiggles don’t top this year’s hottest 100 I’m out because that was all class
— :: nothing but leah :: (@LeahLovegrove) March 4, 2021
There’s also A LOTTA emotions.
I am unable to emotionally process both generations of The Wiggles mashing up Tame Impala and Fruit Salad for Like A Version. I can't. It's too wild.
— Eliza Barr (@ElizaJBarr) March 4, 2021
why am I crying listening to the wiggles on triple j
— bec (@ceeeeeeb) March 4, 2021
Why did the bassist in the Wiggles original GO OFF SO HARD???
— Techless | Wonder Priority Shill (@SachiCantTech) March 4, 2021
Inordinately invested in The Wiggles doing Like a Version this morning on @triplej
— KATY ANDREWS (@KATYAND) March 4, 2021
And of course, Hayley Mary, who took on her own Like A Version just a couple of weeks ago…
This @TheWiggles #likeaversion of @tameimpala is almost as emotional as my first wiggles concert (I’m the one in tears in this pic) Thanks for getting them on @triplej @bryceandebony
— Hayley Mary (@hayleymarymusic) March 4, 2021